I am a Professor in the Atmospheric Chemistry Research Group at the University of Bristol, where I was previously a NERC Advanced Research Fellow. Before moving to Bristol, I worked at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as a Research Scientist in the Center for Global Change Science. I have PhD in Atmospheric Physics from Imperial College London, and a degree in Physics from Cambridge University, where I studied at Clare College.

My work focuses on developing methods for determining sources and sinks of greenhouse gases and ozone depleting substances. I carry out this work in collaboration with researchers around the world through the Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment (AGAGE), a global monitoring network that measures over 40 trace gases at high frequency and precision. I use models of atmospheric chemistry and transport (like NCAR‘s MOZART model, shown on the Animations page) to determine emissions and sinks of atmospheric gases using the AGAGE measurements. I am PI of the NERC Highlight Topic Detection and Attribution of Regional greenhouse gas Emissions (DARE-UK) and NERC Constructing a Digital Environment project OpenGHG. I am a lead author on the 2022 and 2018 World Meteorological Association (WMO) Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion.
The blog page of this website gives a summary of some of the work we have been doing recently. Please take a look, and feel free to email me if you have any questions (matt dot rigby at bristol dot ac dot uk).